Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Screw Oprah--I'm cutting out the middleman

Okay, maybe my headline was a little harsh. Oprah and Random House have been very generous. For the past 48 hours they have been giving away free e-book versions of Colum McCann's latest, Let the Great World Spin. The novel has been getting nothing but raves since it's publication, including this recent NYT review:

Some of you may have already taken Oprah up on her offer. But you had to have a log-in, and it was a bit of a hassle. Or, more likely you never heard about the give-away. Never fear. Anyone who's interested in getting a copy of the Adobe Acrobat .pdf file--no registration necessary--just post a comment below. If you know I have your email address, no worries; I'll just send it to you. If I don't have your email, please leave me an address where I can send the file.

Oh, of special note to Kindle owners: You can email this e-book right into your Kindle for the bargain price of 30 cents. What a bargain!

Thanks, Oprah!

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