Friday, July 15, 2011

Thrillerfest VI: When you're not in the bar...

I have to tell you, yesterday's Thrillerfest post took me forever to put together.  The writing was easy enough, but after adding all those links, tracking down and stealing photos, well you get the idea.  So, it will take me a few days to finish up my account.  For now, I thought I'd show you some of what goes on at T-fest when we're not socializing at a party or in the bar.

The conference actually features a full schedule of programing.  Generally, there are a series of panel discussions that take place, and you have a choice of four going on concurrently.  These sessions are broken up by Spotlight Guest interviews which happen in the larger ballrooms, and are generally the only thing happening in their time slot.

The session below was entitled, "Is Truth Stranger Than Fiction?"  The entertaining and talented Matt Richtel was the "Panel Master," and the panelists were: B. Kent Anderson, Brad Parks, Kira Peikoff, Douglas Preston, Kathleen Sharp, and Jessica Speart.  I have to admit, the title of this session didn't grab me, as I generally read so little non-fiction.  I attended for the typical reason I sit in on these things: I had friends on the panel.  Happily, the discussion turned out to be quite interesting after all.  For starters, the participants all had some serious journalistic cred.  They knew whence they spoke.  And the panel turned out to be as much about fiction as non-fiction.  I thoroughly enjoyed hearing everyone speak.  You never know what you'll get with these panels, how the Panel Master will run things, if the panelists will have chemistry.  I've sat through some duds.  I'm glad to have a good one to share.

So, if you've never attended a Thrillerfest, or you just had to miss this year, here's one session in it's entirety.  Apologies in advance for poor cinematic skills...

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